Helping humankind live with the earth not against it

episode 2 files and 3 preview

Ok I am getting this up
here is the power point I made
I have a word doc, but I think everything is in the power point if you would prefer a word doc let me know, I think I am going to make these files instead of keeping everything on the blog, the show notes would be too long then! so check on the blog for the links eventually they will be in the show notes but I am still disorganized

Tonight I am going to focus on getting episode 3 recorded and I’ll try and get all the supporting info up online this weekend

Episode 3 will cover the following:
Geo 101 and news:
– Earth structure (what it is and how we know)
– Oldest Rocks found!
– mineral structures: this is hard to do without pictures so I am going to post some pictures give some general and think more about how to explain it!

– Intro to Quartz (a few varieties and what makes them that)
– physical properties and metaphysical properties of quartz, clear and some colors.

EQs and Volcanoes (weekly update!)

P.S. I tend to type slower then I think and get ahead of myself so if you catch typos and they bug you let me know and I’ll fix them! I tend to not see them…


1 Comment

  1. Pombagira

    podcast with a slideshow.. awsome!!

    now that i have listened to your first two episodes i am well pleased with minierals for pagans.. *nods* i really liked the slideshow and downloaded it before i started this it worked really well, (apart from the distracting from work but meh.. tehehe)

    enjoyed the interview conversational was most interesting. great food for thought.. my favourate type of podcast. yay

    thank you for making an awsome podcast!!

    *skips about*

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