The Gaia Update is a (almost) weekly short news podcast on what the earth has been up to. It focuses on the three big natural disaster types: Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tsunamis, but also highlights other geology and earth science related news and research.

Information is from the following resources:
Earthquakes: The USGS Earthquakes Page
Volcanoes: Smithsonian Weekly Volcano Activity Report

Hawaii Segment:
Get the latest Kilauea eruption update: Hawaii Volcano Observatory

The audio is a mix testimonies from a public meeting: Video
and the Hawaiian chant Aia O Pele I Hawai’i: Video

Chant information: Aia Lä `O Pele I Hawai`i (Pele Is At Hawai`i)

The Minerals Post is here

Other Sources:




Intro and outro music is provided by music alley, and is exerpts from polyambs by litvinov and nomerovskiy. Thank you Blessed Steno for watching over me while I work on this project!
