Helping humankind live with the earth not against it

Promo: re-vamp!

I can’t listen to everything.

Not every podcast is for everyone, even if you are pagan and it’s a pagan podcast. I have accepted that with my own podcast and its time to extend that reality to my itunes podcast subscriptions. I am not going to like every pagan podcast. I am going to LOVE some and giggle with excitement when a new episode comes out. I am going to just like more of them. Some are going to be just not for me, and a few I might even just HATE. I haven’t found one of those yet, but I am not saying that one doesn’t exist.

So, from here on out, I am going to stop listening to the ones I don’t care for out of gilt because they are pagan podcasts, whatever. I am going to listen to new ones, and decided if I am going to subscribe or not. And from that list in my itunes I will draw my promos. That way the promos will be for the shows I actually listen too.

That means I need to get on it, collecting those promos! And please, send me shows you like, new and old. I have tried to search out new podcasts but there are new ones all the time! Of course I can’t play promos for all of them in every show… 😉


1 Comment

  1. Chris

    Sounds good. Not sure where I fall in with your decision. LOL But that's ok. 😉

    It's tough to listen to every podcast just because it may be pagan based. After all there are SO many of them coming and going that it's tough to keep track. Blog Talk Radio has a bunch that aren't even listed on the Proud Pagan Podcaster's website. I know what you mean as I went through the same thing and have had similar resolutions on the matter. Listening to everyone is a very difficult task.

    BB / 93!

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