Helping humankind live with the earth not against it

Category: random

new schedule for the semester

Ok so now that I generally have an idea for whats going on this semester I have a tentative schedule. I am only going to be working on the podcast on the weekends due to… well I procrastinate a TON and if I give it a day then I can maybe get more done during the week. Also I have something I do every other Sunday during the school year already so…. every other weekend is when I am going to record.

September 11&12

September 25&26

then expect a break, because its super thesis time! I am defending this semester and my first draft is due beginning of October so… yeah I am just now going to say I will be taking a break. depending on when my advisors field work is

I should be back for 1 middle of October 16&17?

then paper work is due so expect another break until mid November
after that I should be on a regular schedule and then in January I am done so I will go back to every week!

that’s the plan at least!

as for topics what I want to cover is:
– plate tectonics
– the time scale
– types of rocks

– k-feldspar
– agate, chalcedony, amethyst, citrine, and other types of quartz
– at least and then try and get farther on my list of silicates!

Also what I need to do is get the index notes up for the show, finish filling out the mineral sheets on the website and on the google docs page so I can make those available.

Oh and podkin? I have been listening 😉 I have lists of things to go over, I hope this isn’t annoying! I’m not trying to be 🙁 There are just a few things I wanted to address that I have been hearing. I am still very behind so I will try and catch up by going running but its nasty outside and perfect weather for working so that’s what I have been doing.

Almost have the shop set up I just need to making something first so I can take a photo! That’s another thing for the weekend! 🙂 I am thinking of making a witch-y ipod case! as soon as I have examples up feel free to make requests as well! I use remnant fabric mostly so I am limited by the selection of scraps at Joanns

I also paint pre-made boxes, Kai makes masks, and for that just request the type of mask (again we get blanks) and colors. He then works his magic 😉
I make dog toys and cat toys too. I just need to get some catnip to plant so I can dry my own. that’s the plan at least!

much love!


on the overturning of prop 8

I did a little happy dance!
I don’t have any eloquent inspiring words to say…
I’m just happy.

Kai has a friend who is the true picture of tolerance who once told him he felt like he was being close minded for not hearing out conservatives, or respecting their opinions. This from a man who lived in a van because he felt guilty for being so privileged. May we all be that tolerant of others.

I am on itunes!

Hell yeah!
I am going to record some stuff tonight for next weeks podcast, might try and get Kai to help me with the technical stuff so its not just boring old me! I’m going to try and find some more “me” music for the podcast, thats podsafe, we shall see what I come up with.

Its FRIDAY and the data are behaving, the thesis is behaving and ok the weather is sort of shit, but hey Friday = pub day (geologist drink a lot I will refer you to an article called “Why Geologist Love Beer” all I have to say is 175 kegs/week is a lot of beer )

have an excellent weekend to anyone who happens to read this
(sometimes I think I’m talking to myself… again… creeps me out…)



UPDATE: spoke too soon! Thats what I get for not having a window, the sun is out! and its warm! my little plants are going to be so happy!!!!!

witchy field trip!

Hey, I went on a witchy field trip this weekend! our original plans fell through do to not wanting to drive 100 miles on a dirt road in crappy weather so we went the other direction south, to a place I have wanted to stop at well for the last 2 years.

Its a little witchy shop on the side of the hwy in a little cabin! I loved it! it was totally worth the drive!

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