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This is my blog –
And this is my podcast –
this is my blog–
Helping humankind live with the earth not against it
Comment here to add your list to the class roster of blogs!
This is my blog –
And this is my podcast –
this is my blog–
For this contest answer the following questions:
– what is earth when you are no longer on earth?
– a list of associations for the element earth
you can also still answer how you define earth in an everyday sense vs. spiritual, and where energies in rocks come from.
I’ll update the end date when I have a better idea.
Before you say I can’t reinvent the holidays, that’s sacrilege let me remind you I am pagan, not wiccan or any specific path that has its own outline of rules. Also known as the I’m a “I DO WHAT I WANT” pagan. I like it that way. I’m also a scientists, I in general hate being told how to do things or what something means. I want to do it myself, explore myself, try myself. This is what I think but please, think for yourself. Ok disclaimer over.
Living in Alaska I have found that the traditional association of seasons presented with the wheel of the year does not fit. For example, this week is Imbolc, yay spring? No. Its still winter. VERY winter. There are no little flowers poking their heads up nor will they until May maybe April at the earliest. We don’t have “spring” where I live, we have break-up. Break-up is when the ice on the rivers break up, everything melts, and everything is wet and muddy. For about 2 weeks and then BAM its summer! Ok maybe not 2 weeks but it seems like you blink and break-up is over, the snow is gone and summer is here.
Until then it is most definitely winter. So for me Imbolc is not the coming of spring. It has nothing to do with spring. Spring is very far off. However, I live in the land of the midnight sun, or no sun in the winter. The days are getting longer. They are everywhere but when you live somewhere that the minutes gained a day is 6 or 7 it is very noticeable.
Today the sun rose at 9:40am. It was beautiful and I snapped a photo from work. The sun set today at 4:30pm. That is almost normal hours for most places! We are starting to have a civilized amount of sun. That is what Imbolc is for me this year. Fortunately the return of the sun is one of the big parts of Imbolc, so my change is not that different.
My advice for anyone struggling with celebrating the holidays is: if it feels stale or wrong or something is just not right, think about how the holiday corresponds with the seasons where it comes from, and then what your seasons are locally. That might be where the conflict is. I’ve historically had a lot of trouble getting into the holidays and once I decided to calibrate them to my local environment I feel much better about them.
So yes, I change the holidays, but the “letter of the law” regarding holidays is not important to me, it’s the marking of time as the earth goes through its annual cycles.
And that is the beautiful thing about being a pagan. If something doesn’t feel right, well find some way to change it so it does! Not like more strict religious… for an example as a kid it always bugged me the obvious fact that Jesus was not born in the dead of winter. It just doesn’t fit. That part of Christmas never felt right. I would have preferred to figure out when his real birthday was and celebrate that, and leave Christmas to its self. To me those were always separate. I guess that’s why I still don’t have a problem with Christmas. To me its not a Christian holiday.
So to wrap things up, and summarize: The holidays are for marking the passage of time, if the seasonal associations don’t match your local seasons think about what is happening locally and review your definition of the holiday. Revisit, revise, edit. I think you will be much happier when you are celebrating the changes around you.
I will be sure to write about all future holidays and how I celebrate them in the land of the midnight sun.
“Egyptian Christians said they will guard the Muslims from the police while they on Friday Pray.” Amazing solidarity. #Egypt #Jan25
I saw this tweet by @edsetiadi that was retweeted by @JosephMagnuson
A very cinematic and moving image came to mind, Muslim bothers and sisters praying with Christen brothers and sisters standing watch glaring a distant police in riot gear.
Just an amazing show of unity and respect! It warms my heart. Suck love and understanding in an uncertain time. This is how it could be, if we put aside our differences and embraced out similarities!
In episode 9 I announced a contest to win one of 2 pieces of gypsum (the feature mineral) that I brought back with me from Montserrat!
Here are the details:
How to enter: There are two questions answer one or both, an answer to 1 gets you 1 change an answer to both gets you 2 chances! email answers to me as text or mp3 (if you like)
The Questions
1: Where do the energies in rocks come from?
Is it the chemical composition and structure (how the elements are bonded together)? The crystal habit (the shape it grows into) so different chemically the same crystals of the same mineral can have different energies depending on how they individually grew, the pressure temperature conditions if formed under… the color!? What is it? Or what combination, or is it something we can’t define and have to experience and therefore should only take associations guidelines and feel free to interpret at will? In that case is there no set associations and every mineral and crystal should be taken on an individual basis?
2: What does the word “earth” mean to you in different mind sets?
When you are in a magickal mindset does the word earth mean something different then when you are not? what images come to mind when you hear that word? feelings? smells? tastes? does this change depending on where you hear the word? what are some of the other images or feelings you associate with the word in other situations?
I really want you to think about the second one because that is going to be the bases for the next elements segment!
Let me know if its ok to use your name and how to say it!
Good Luck!
Episode 9: Vacation, Gypsum and Elements
Show Notes:
Geology 101: My Vacation 3 parts
Part 1: Conference!
Trilobite Earrings, I bought a pair last year
Lab grown Bismuth! Isn’t that awesome?
Earth As Art part of the Earth Resource Observation and Science or (EROS) Center
the Belcher Islands in earth as art 3
Part 2: DC
Capital Building
Library of Congress
Minerva I believe
The Library of Congress. Isn’t it beautiful?
I wasn’t sure what to call these, almost like the muses but for other fields and there was a geology one! I almost died of happiness! 🙂
Museum of Natural Science
Old ass gneiss!
Phantom Quartz crystal ball and crystal
Mining a car
This is like a 1/3 of a case! I told you there was a TON
GIANT thing of copper!
Natural uncut diamond in its crystal form
3 Montserrat
Location of Montserrat:
THE volcano: Soufriere Hills
Taken from MVO (Montserrat Volcano Observatory)
Plymouth Before (taken from the other side, the south side looking NE)
Plymouth now….
Now some links:
Smithsonian Global Volcanism Project page
Montserrat Volcano Observatory Page
Wikipedia entry on Soufriere Hills Volcano
Description and info on the CVO (Cascade Volcano Observatory) website
AND Last but not least look back at my photo of the volcano
On the left had side you can see a steaming hole if you look close
this is an article with photos from the event that formed that hole!
the Feb 2010 dome collapse and eruption
That was a bit long wasn’t it?
Gypsum will get its own post
look for link here
BUT those Giant crystal caves?
here is a photo and a link!
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New Segment!
We talked about open and closed systems
and how our brain likes to categorize things
CONTEST (I’ll make it, its own post!)
That’s all folks!
If we are reincarnated, why don’t we remember our past lives? – my current thoughts (subject to change at any time with addition of new data)
Memories are data that are stored by connections in our brain, and memories are a LOT of data. So if we do have memories from a past life then that data has to be stored in the soul, and most if not all is lost with the loss of the physical connections of the physical brain. How’s that for mixing science and religion?
There actually has been a lot of scientific research into the soul in the past, and I think that the spark that makes us, well us and who we are has to be more then just the connections in our brain. I don’t think that if you mapped someone’s connections exactly to another brain you would get the same person.
As always, this belief is not set. None of mine are. As a scientist I am trained to be flexible, what is true now and fits the current data may prove to be wrong or close but not the whole truth according to the next new improved data set.
I can expand on this by looking up some of the old studies (I either heard it on TTBOOK or RadioLab).
I started listening to Ariel’s “A Witch’s Primer” since I have never had a very strong guided introduction to the craft. I figured now is a good time to revisit the basics and focus like I didn’t do 10 years ago. I got excited, jumped in and started thinking big thoughts and ignoring the work 😉 I also jumped between books a lot (I still do that) and never really finished reading any of them! Anyways the past memories came up, he was talking about traumatic experiences and loss of memory my wind went OH! Data! SOTRAGE! Physical! AH! *light bulb* This is generally how I form my current beliefs on anything, I get an idea and think about it for a bit. I just thought I would share this time!
Geology 101 segment intro: Benji Cossa – Volcano
Intro Song: David Miles Huber – Oceanis podsafe mix
Metaphysical properties intro: Iona Leigh – Ocean
Minerals Intro: 100 year picnic – heaven
Weekly Update: Seismic Sonata
Elements: 1-serenity
Ok the new podcast is going to kick off the new year with a new series, so start thinking about… the elements! I know groan this again? I promise its something different. I am going to want some input and now I have “incentive” I brought home prizes!
Yes thats right I have prizes! So get ready! I will accept input in two forms: emails and mp3s!
Also we are going to change direction a little bit with the rocks and minerals, I am going to start talking about rocks on the whole. We are going to talk about going from minerals to rocks. Some of the minerals yes, and if there is anything specific we will talk about them. Switching over to where you find the minerals which more often then not is occurring within a rock! So I am going to start going to talk about rocks! 🙂
There is a type of analysis called “whole rock analysis” so we are going to talk about “whole rock energies”
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