There is very little change in the amount of daylight between summer and winter solstice where I live, but I enjoyed an excellent time with friends and family and good food! 

Now seems like a good time to start new things, so in terms of new things…. I actually am getting some real one on one teaching. I am getting some training in hoodoo currently (well I just started this week). And so far it is a total mind bender. I like it but it is making me rethink how I do things. First of all it can be hard to find some herbs in the middle of the pacific, and in the past I just shrugged that off and would use whatever I happen to have. But. This is like science, a recipe, an equation, not all substitutions work. So I have been running around town trying to find things locally. 
Its like I have always operated with my craft on the opposite side of my science brain and my line has become a circle and the ends are meeting around back. 
Long story short I just started a bunch of seeds, because I have a feeling buying supplies online is going to get expensive fast. I am going to have a container hoodoo garden! I can grow things year round here so if there is anything I should start, let me know! 🙂 