Helping humankind live with the earth not against it

Oh my!

Job interviews, thesis defense and weekend training trip. I wont be recording again until March!

I’ll get one episode out before my Spring break (then I am gone again) and should be more regular after that!

Sorry about that!

In the next episode we are going to talk about the Earth again, this time as a element and what the associations are. Kai brought up a good point: you can think of the elements as states of matter: Solid (earth), liquid (water), gas (air), energy/plasma (fire and spirit)

I liked that so much I am going to start with that idea!

I think I am going to talk about fossils this next time (another organic living -> rock thing) and talk about the fossilization process, so fossils and petrified wood! as usual if you have any associates, or magical uses please let me know! If you want more in the metaphysical section you have to contribute! I’ve said many times that my path took a sharp right at earth science and I am just now pulling the metaphysical stuff back up and studying it again.

Also don’t forget the contest! I have tons of stuff so as soon as I can get rid of these, there are more. And I might give some rocks away next time if you like that more… I have some I am saving for when I talk about them… but there are a few more!

Blessed Be and Rock On! (new punny ending next time! 😉 )


1 Comment

  1. Alessa

    As I mentioned in my post on the earth element contest, I think rocks are elementally earth, and that living things like trees or organisms are made of earth AND other elements, but I think fossilization is a slow return to pure earth. Over time they lose their water-ness, fire-ness, air-ness and become more earth-ly, if that makes sense. They may yet have special properties that can be used in spellwork, just like different rocks. What these properties ARE is a good question.

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